Celebrating Mother's Day with Sofia Ramsay

Tell us who you are?
I'm a jewelry designer, artist and business owner, and I'm also the mother to a 2 year old who likes to make noise on musical instruments, cook in his kitchen and sing songs.
What do you enjoy the most about being a Mother?
I love watching him discover things and interpret the world around him. As he learns to express himself more and more it's amazing to see his personality come through, as well as hear his take on things.
What are some of the unexpected joys that you have from being a Mother?
My son is such a funny kid, we always find ourselves laughing at the things he says and the way he plays. It's starting to become clear that he really watches what we do, because we see and hear him copy us, which is always a funny surprise.
Do you have any advice for people who are interested in having children?
It's hard to give advice for an experience that will ultimately be so different for each person. However I think it's important to seek support wherever you can find it, you will be surprised when you ask for help how many people want to participate and be part of your "village" and how much joy everyone gets out of it.

How do you personally celebrate yourself?
I like simple things, manicures, pedicures and quiet times away from my phone. I celebrate my creativity by slipping away to be alone in my studio designing new pieces, or in my kitchen baking an elaborate treat. You can also find me doing that small business happy dance whenever one of my businesses gets an order!
What are you currently obsessed with?
Currently I am obsessed with getting outside now that the weather is nice and orchestrating cute picnics